Peter Sheahan

Published 6 books  •  Built 4 global companies  •  Delivered 3000 presentations across the world

I foster transformation by developing resilient leaders, agile organizations, and high-performing teams amid uncertainty.

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Peter Sheahan

Languages: English

Speaking Fees: STARTING AT $35,000


After decades of standing in the fire with leaders of high-performing organizations, Peter Sheahan has come to believe that an organization will only go commercially where its leaders first go personally.

Having grown his own companies by accelerating the growth and transformation for clients that include: Apple; Chick-fil-A; DeBeers; and AT&T -- Peter will provoke you to get bigger, by getting better!

When leaders are true to their purpose, they gravitate towards doing work that matters and solving higher-order problems. The journey to get there requires that they have the courage to tell themselves the truth, take intelligent risks, and assume ownership for driving the alignment necessary to build an organization which behaves in ways worthy of its leadership position.

In being true to his own ambitions and relentless pursuit of growth, Peter has published seven books, built three global companies and delivered more than 3,000 presentations in 40+ countries. Today he and his team at Karrikins Group are focused exclusively on inspiring leaders to do the hard work required to accelerate growth and transformation.

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Turn challenge into opportunity and change into competitive advantage

Stimulating a culture of growth amidst uncertainty begins with leaders taking ownership for their changed reality, unleashing an ambition that drives their team forward, and aligning their people to the new ways of working necessary to create value in the current environment.

In this case-study rich session, Peter Sheahan will unpack how to balance the need for prompt action with the need to maintain the capacity, capability, and engagement required to make the most of the massive opportunities that inevitably emerge from crisis. And he will explore the unique application of these insights in a mostly virtual world.

Accelerating growth through transformation

To meet growth expectations, we must transform ourselves and our teams at a faster rate than the external environment is changing, or else we risk a slow decline into irrelevancy. 

Winning on value, not price

As the pace of commoditization accelerates and the emergence of technological disruption threatens our exisitng business models, we must find ways to remain relevant and differentiated in the hearts and minds of our customers.

Awards & Publications

Books published

Peter has written the books Generation Y, Fl!p, Matter, and Making it Happen. Generation Y and Fl!p have become bestsellers.

Awards Received

Peter was named one of the 25 Most Influential Speakers in the World by the National Speakers Association, and is the youngest person ever to be inducted into their industry Hall of Fame.

3 Reasons to Book Peter for Your Event

1. A customized experience

Peter always delivers a highly customized experience and obsesses over the client's objectives.

2. Outcomes-focused

He wants to create the needed outcomes.

3. Flexible and collaborative

He is flexible and easy to work with.

Worked With:

3 Ways to Book Peter

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Fill out the requested details on the form here, giving the Journey team everything they need to know about your event.

3. Shoot a Text

Text "Journey Speakers" to (813) 706-5920 and the Journey team will help you take next steps.  

He combines                        
             for both his subject matter and his audience.

He combines

for both his subject matter and his audience.

deep practical


deep practical knowledge



unending passion

Peter Sheahan could light a small town with energy, enthusiasm and insight. In my 10+ years of speaking with executive-level audiences, I find Peter to be unsurpassed in his ability to engage senior executives. Peter is clearly a world class educator. 

Peter and his intense energy, relatable storytelling and ridiculously solid content

Peter and his intense energy, relatable storytelling and ridiculously solid content                          

hit the bullseye!

hit the bullseye!

With 60+ companies represented, there wasn't a person in the room that didn't grow. As a CEO and owner of 3 companies, I walked away with serious reflections, harsh truths, and our leadership meetings instantly changed for the better!

Peter Sheahan is                  
     presenters to a business audience I have ever seen.

one of the

Peter Sheahan is

presenters to a business audience I have ever seen.

one of the best

He is a master of his topic and he delivers his presentation with great style and passion, captivating the entire audience with excellent humor, appropriate anecdotes, memorable metaphors and authentic sense of purpose. 


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