Journey Speakers™ Bureau: Motivational Speakers | Keynote Speakers | Mental Health Speakers

Alison Canavan

Travel From: Boerne, TX

Speaker Fee: $12,500 & UP


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I inspire personal growth, mental health, and well-being through mindfulness and energy management.

Mindfulness Advocate  • Panelist • Moderator / Facilitator

About Alison

Alison Canavan, an acclaimed international speaker and wellness coach, inspires global audiences with her message of energy management, personal growth, and well-being. A former international model, Alison overcame mental health struggles and addictions, transforming into a mindfulness advocate and meditation practitioner with 25 years of experience.

She pioneered the “Full 360” events in Ireland, combining meditation, mindset, gratitude, nutrition, and sound healing. Named one of the Top 8 Transformational Coaches in the US by USA Today in 2021, Alison is a UCLA-trained Mindfulness Facilitator and award-winning author. Her keynotes and workshops blend relaxation, mindfulness, and breathwork with mindset tools, promoting personal and professional growth.

Alison’s authentic approach and dedication to mental health advocacy empower lives and drive positive transformation.

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Leading from Within

We are in a period of transition where the possibilities are limitless, and the future of leadership invites a paradigm shift. This requires leaders who understand the power of self-awareness, authenticity, and compassion. “Leading from Within” is a visionary approach to leadership that fosters personal growth, inspires teams, and catalyzes positive change in society through the mastery of one’s own energy.

People think they need better time management, but they actually need better energy management. In a world where people feel like they are always playing catch up with a never-ending to-do list, understanding energy management can be incredibly helpful. Understanding energy helps us become more present, focused, efficient, less stressed, sleep better, and have better quality relationships.

In this keynote, Alison encourages participants to look at energy as a currency, asking questions like:

How do you spend your energy each day?
Do you save your energy for when you need it?
What habits deplete your energy and what habits are life-giving?
Audiences will follow Alison through practical exercises to experience a shift in their own energy in real time. Energy is contagious, and through the lens of understanding coherence, participants have the opportunity to understand the energy of stress and anxiety and how to transform that into an energy of presence, patience, and calm.

Through heart-centered consciousness and learning to master your own energy, the three C’s – connection, community, and coherence – become the pillars and foundation upon which a strong life and, in turn, a strong business is built.

The Game of Life and How to Play It

For some people, the joy has literally been sucked out of life like a vacuum. The busyness epidemic has created a paradigm of surviving rather than thriving, leading to increased individual stress and strained workplace cultures.

In this thought-provoking keynote, Alison looks at life like a game where we all have the choice to take part and become key players in our own lives. Are you a conscious or unconscious player? Are you a victim or a victor in your own life?

Alison offers various practical thinking tools to help you become not only an active and conscious player of life but a thriving and joyful one too.

Helping Individuals Transition from Surviving to Thriving and Finding Joy and Fulfillment in Their Lives:

  • Awareness of Choice
  • Adopting a creator’s mindset by shifting energy patterns
  • Taking inspired and aligned action

Cultivating a Joyful Mindset by Focusing on Gratitude and Mindfulness:

  • Tools for Self-Reflection
  • Creating a Supportive Culture
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
  • The Power of Resilience: bouncing back stronger after setbacks
  • Taking responsibility for one’s happiness and fulfillment

Awards & Publications

Books published

Minding Mum - Its time to take care of you
Change your day the 5-minute way (a journal)
Award for my book and a womans way award for innovation in the wellbeing space in Ireland

More About Alison

Alison Canavan is an acclaimed international speaker, wellness coach, and mindfulness advocate, inspiring audiences worldwide with her powerful message of energy management, personal growth, and well-being. As a former international model, she has graced the world’s most prominent runways and magazines, but it is her journey beyond the spotlight that truly captivates audiences.

Overcoming mental health struggles and addictions, Alison found healing and transformed herself into a source of inspiration. Today, she has made it her mission to guide others in regaining control of their lives and uncovering the profound rewards of mindfulness and self-care.

Alison has been a meditation practitioner for 25 years and has spent over a decade teaching innovative ways of understanding personal development and energy management. Alison pioneered the “Full 360” events in Ireland, designing a day long immersion in meditation, mindset, gratitude, nutrition, sound healing and so much more. This type of event was the first of its kind in Ireland and an incredibly brave step to take into an area that was relatively unknown at that time. Alison work was rewarded with the Woman’s Way Mum of the Year award, a prestigious award for exemplary leadership and innovation in the wellbeing space.

Named one of the Top 8 Transformational Coaches in the US by USA Today in 2021, Alison is a UCLA trained Mindfulness Facilitator from The Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior. She is a Master NLP Practitioner, HeartMath facilitator, Nutritional coach, Raw Foods Master, Meditation and Breathwork teacher and the award-winning author of Minding Mum: It’s Time to Take Care of You – the world’s first 360 self-care book for mums focusing on health and wellbeing post birth. Alison was also one of the first people to teach meditation online using social media.

Through her keynotes, workshops, and consulting, she blends teachings and practices like relaxation, mindfulness, meditation and breathwork with life changing mindset tools that encourage personal and professional growth and true organizational transformation. Her techniques and evidence-based practices guide participants on how to best spend, save and invest their energy, leading to deeper connections and an increase in opportunities for purpose driven work.

Alison’s approach to personal growth and corporate success is grounded in authenticity, compassion, and practicality. Her engaging presentations resonate deeply with audiences, leaving them inspired to embrace change and live with purpose. In addition to her speaking engagements, Alison’s work extends to advocacy for mental health awareness, promoting well-being, and supporting positive change within communities. Her dedication to empowering lives has earned her recognition as a change agent and an influential force in the field of wellness.

Alison believes that energy is the currency of the future. She teaches that the most important currency to drive growth isn’t a financial measure. It’s the capitalization of your personal energy and that of the people you surround yourself with. Both on stage and off, Alison’s mission remains clear – to create a ripple effect of positive transformation, helping individuals and companies thrive with a mindful and purpose-driven approach to life.

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