Darryl Bellamy Jr.

Curator of the largest collection of written student fears in the world

I help organizations and leaders embrace Fear to Fear(less)

See Darryl in Action...

Watch the videos below FOR A PREVIEW OF WHAT Darryl CAN DELIVER for your audience

Darryl Bellamy Jr.

Travels from: Charlotte, NC

Languages: English

Speaking Fees: STARTING AT $10,000

Educational speaker

Darryl is an International Speaker, Author, Husband, and Father who uses his experience as a student leader, and the thousands of fears collected from students to help them act beyond their worries and fears.

What would your students, organization or staff look like if they were FEARLESS? 

Fearless is not the absence of fear, Fearless is feeling fear and acting ANYWAY! Don't let this young face fool you, let it help you.

Darryl's high energy presentations are created to have your audience laughing, inspired, and possibly crying! Every person is guaranteed to leave knowing what's holding them back from being the person they want to become and you're sure to have an audience full of smiles - guaranteed!

After collecting almost 60,000 fears of student leaders, Darryl knows whats preventing them from leading fully on campus. In Darryl's most popular Keynote, The Fearless Experience, he guides students through the process of defining, naming, and then breaking through their fears. Any of Darryl's keynotes are sure to leave your audience laughing, inspired, and possibly crying!

Darryl has earned kudos as a student success and leadership author addressing audiences on campuses and at conferences around the country inspiring his peers to take action.

View Popular Speaking Topics

More Fearless Moments

Leading is hard; doing it without fear is even harder! After reading thousands of students’ written fears, Darryl Bellamy Jr. noticed a pattern. The majority of our leaders’ concerns boiled down into four questions:
  • Am I enough?
  • What if I fail?
  • What will they think? 
  • Do I have the resources to succeed?

Their fears are no different than their peers around them, and they’re not alone - actionable and research-backed strategies they can use immediately to start creating and leading with more courage - how to use The Fearless Band™ (provided or mailed to campus) as a daily reminder to choose courage over fear.

Uncomfortable Convos: The Secrets to More Fearlessly Productive Convos

Hard things are hard, and mustering up the strength to talk about them is sometimes more challenging. Often in our relationships and organizations, the hard conversations need to be had; Yet, they are often avoided. How do we do it when we’re scared of rejection or feel that our voice isn’t needed?

Darryl gives students the skills, confidence, and strategies to have more productive conversations to make their lives, organizations, and campus community more inclusive.  He'll address:
  • the #1 fear preventing students from having uncomfortable conversations and how to overcome it
  • simple tricks they can use immediately to keep a conversation on track
  • the difference between offering a perspective vs. changing a mind
  • how to put into practice fearless conversation skills

Students are also provided a Quick Summary Guide of the main strategies within the program. 

Awards & Publications

Awards Received

Darryl has been named to Charlotte Black Chamber of Commerce’s 30 under 30 list, as well as his Alma Mater’s Young Alumni’s 10 under 10 award recipient.  He has also been featured on WCCB-TV (THE CW) and WCCB-TV 9 (CBS).

3 Reasons to Book Darryl for Your Event

1. Inspiring

2. Impactful

3. THought-provoking

Worked With:

3 Ways to Book Darryl

Ready to Put on an Epic In-Person or Virtual Event? 

1. Send a Message

Respond to the video pop-up on the site and share your name, email and a brief overview about your event.

2. Fill out a form

Fill out the requested details on the form here, giving the Journey team everything they need to know about your event.

3. Shoot a Text

Text "Journey Speakers" to (813) 706-5920 and the Journey team will help you take next steps.  

Ball State has had Darryl come to campus 5+ times, and there is                                    from students each time.

Ball State has had Darryl come to campus 5+ times, and there is

from students each time.

resounding excitment

resounding excitement

He is easy to work with and offers a message that is impactful and insightful. 

Darryl really knows how to
               a theater full of college freshmen and give them the confidence to                               

Darryl really knows how to                a theater full of college freshmen and give them the confidence to                               

conquer their fears.



conquier their fears.

His "First Year Fearless" program is engaging, fun, exciting, and thought-provoking.

Darryl implemented an
               3 Day session.

Darryl implemented an               3 Day


If you’re looking for a speaker who meets young people where they are, challenges them to push past who they limit themselves to be, and provides a unique skill set in how to grow into a fearless human being, Darryl is the person for you to connect with!!! 

Book Darryl

We are glad you’ve decided to start your journey with us. Please complete this form so our team can get back to you with more details. We look forward to working with you and making your event epic!

Contact Darryl

Answer a few questions below to receive a free quote from Darryl.