Pandit Dasa

Monk in NYC for 15 years  •  Author of two books  •  15,000+ hours of mindfulness practice

I show people how to close the apps in their mind, improve their mental health and create a positive workplace culture.

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Pandita Dasa

Travels from: Gainesville, FL

Languages: English

Speaking Fees:  STARTING AT $10,000


Pandit Dasa is a Mindful Leadership Expert, author and motivational keynote speaker. 

His inspirational speeches aim to create a more mindful workplace culture which increases productivity and improves retention.

He encourages leadership and co-workers to appreciate and celebrate the success and contribution of others. This attitude fosters trust, enhances teamwork and greatly impacts employee performance. He emphasizes the importance of leading without ego and highlights the importance of cultivating self-awareness and personal growth and development.

Dasa captures the audience’s attention by sharing his journey on how and why he spent 15 years living as a monk in New York City, the incredible life and leadership lessons he learned from that experience and why he’s no longer a monk. 

His story is chronicled in his book, “Urban Monk: Exploring Karma, Consciousness and the Divine.” His second book, “Closing the App: how to be Mindful at Work and at Home” is filled with practical and relevant tips on being mindful in all aspects of life.

Pandit Dasa has spoken to many Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies. Some of the organizations he has spoken to are: Google, NASA, London Stock Exchange, Citibank, IBM, State Farm, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Kellogg’s, Cadillac, ADP, Nationwide Novartis, Comcast, TD Ameritrade, JP Morgan Chase, The World Bank, World Government Summit, SHRM National Convention, Oracle HCM Convention and many others.

View Popular Speaking Topics

The Future of Work and Mindful Leadership

The Great Resignation and the rise in mental health struggles are demanding a transformation in workplace culture. To attract, engage and retain top talent, leaders need to create a more human and employee-centered workplace. It is absolutely crucial for us to lead by example and create a workplace environment that not only encourages but also supports our mental, physical, and emotional well-being so we can perform at a high level while taking care of ourselves and our family.

This talk will address and provide practical takeaway for the following items:
  • How to develop positive social connections in a hybrid workplace
  • Creating a sense of belonging in the workplace
  • Research and tips for improving sleep and its benefits
  • The importance of appreciating our colleagues
  • Methods for communicating mindfully to maximize collaboration
  • Maintaining healthy eating habits
  • Research and benefits of practicing mindfulness at work
  • Practical mindfulness techniques

Mindfulness and Resilience: Tools to Thrive During Stressful Times

During our current time of change and uncertainty, our stress and anxiety levels can go through the roof. Navigating a hybrid work environment can create greater challenges to our work-life balance. It is absolutely crucial for us to be able to maintain our mental, physical, and emotional health so we can take care of ourselves, our family and remain productive in our professional life.

This talk will address the following items:
  • Importance of Positive Relationships
  • Healthy Eating
  • Unplugged Sleep
  • Regular Exercise
  • Maintaining a Personal Hobby

Participants will also learn the science behind mindfulness and will be virtually guided through a variety of mindfulness practices for reducing stress, improving productivity and emotional intelligence. Some of practices are as follows:
  • Breathing - for stress reduction
  • Focusing - for improving one's ability to concentrate and focus
  • Gratitude - to shift to a more positive mindset
  • Appreciation - develop appreciation for the contributions of our colleagues

Mindful Leadership: Walking the Talk

Leaders set the tone and mood for the rest of the organization. To fully inspire and bring out the best from the workforce, leadership has to lead by example and “walk the talk.” They can’t say one thing and do another. To attract, engage and retain top talent, leaders need to create more human and employee-centered workplace environments.

This talk will address the importance for leadership of all levels to not only set the right example, but also, on a regular basis, appreciate the contributions of their workforce, communicate mindfully to encourage and inspire, lead with humility and without ego and manage their emotions. The research on mindfulness and its application for the workplace will also be presented.

After this keynote, participants will be able to:
  1. Improve their level of self-awareness
  2. Communicate mindfully and with compassion
  3. Lead with confidence combined with humility
  4. Better manage their emotions to remain calm during challenging situations
  5. Implement mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve focus and productivity

Awards & Publications

Books published

Pandit has had two books published: Urban Monk: Exploring Karma, Consciousness, and the Divine and Mindfulness For the Wandering Mind: Life-Changing Tools for Managing Stress and Improving Mental Health At Work and In Life.

Awards Received

Pandit was named the MPI Speaker of the year 2021.

3 Reasons to Book Pandit for Your Event

1. Think Out-of-the Box

Pandit is known for his ability to present leadership and workplace culture concepts in an out-of-the box manner.

2. Relevant

Pandit excels at making mental health and mindfulness relevant for corporate audiences.

3. Engaging & Practical Takeaways

Pandit is recognized for his consistency in engaging audiences, and providing practical takeaways that your audience will be able to put into practice right away.

Worked With:

3 Ways to Book Pandit

Ready to Put on an Epic In-Person or Virtual Event? 

1. Send a Message

Respond to the video pop-up on the site and share your name, email and a brief overview about your event.

2. Fill out a form

Fill out the requested details on the form here, giving the Journey team everything they need to know about your event.

3. Shoot a Text

Text "Journey Speakers" to (813) 706-5920 and the Journey team will help you take next steps.  

The survey results are still rolling in but you were by far in

segments of our summit. 

The survey results are still rolling in but you were by far in

segments of our summit. 

the Top 3 most impactful

Your story is truly one of a kind and you have a gift in engaging an audience even in an entirely virtual setting. Our HR Leadership team was so impressed with your session and the mindfulness exercise was a big hit all around.

Pandit did an amazing job providing                                                          to a company of engineers...

Pandit did an amazing job providing              

to a company of engineers...

valuable information

information on mindfulness


on mindfulness

and he kept attention and engagement within virtual environment. I enjoyed an engaging presentation, and was grateful and delighted. 

We are looking forward to

for focused sessions on 'Taking Charge of Our Emotional Health.' 

bringing him back regularly

We are looking forward to                             
               for focused
sessions on 'Taking Charge of Our Emotional Health.' 

bringing him back


Pandit treated us to a delightful session to understand the importance of giving and receiving appreciation, as it pertains to our 'emotional' and 'social' health. This was such a powerful and engaging session.

Book Pandit

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