Stuart Knight

Spoken to over 1 million people  •  National best selling author of two books  •  Worldwide Speaker

I help companies harness the power of authentic human connection in order to thrive in a very lonely world!

See Stuart in Action...

Watch the videos below FOR A PREVIEW OF WHAT Stuart CAN DELIVER for your audience

Stuart Knight

Travels from: New York, NY

Languages: English

Speaking Fees: STARTING AT $12,000


Stuart Knight is an award winning entrepreneur, critically acclaimed author, and hit producer.

He has written, produced and starred in live presentations that have been seen by over one million people and each year speaks internationally helping some of the world’s biggest companies reach new levels of success.  

When he is not on the road speaking, you may have seen or heard him on some of Canada’s biggest TV and Radio stations where he is often asked for his expert opinion on high level communication.

He is the author of two profound books, You Should Have Asked – The Art of Powerful Conversation and The Madness of My Mind, and writes a weekly blog that has over ten thousand followers.

Personally, Stuart is a world traveler, an avid reader and composes music. He is also the founder of one Canada’s biggest speaking extravaganzas called The Top Ten Event, which has garnered over twenty million media impressions.

As a renegade visionary, Stuart Knight has taken gut wrenching risks and came out on top. Today, with hilarious stories and thought provoking insights, he shares the lessons he has learned helping people reach goals they never imagined they could attain.

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Rock it by Talking it

As one of Stuart Knight’s most sought after keynotes, this interactive presentation will teach your audience how to build powerful human relationships with those they interactive with in business in a way that separates them from their competition.

In order to be successful in business, we need people to respect, admire, value and like us. Every conversation we have with a customer, colleague, client, service provider or vendor is a new opportunity to influence the way they psychologically feel about us and our organization as a whole. The more we choose to have powerful conversations, the more successful we become.

All great leaders in business carve out time each day to invest in the people who influence their bottom line and they do it by going well above and beyond conversations about the weather. Instead, they make the concerted effort to interact with their business associates in a way that allows them to develop strong human bonds. It’s these powerful human connections that entice our key stakeholders to respond positively to the business activities we are aiming to engage them in.

The Choice - Five Decisions All Winners Make

Stuart Knight has been an award winning entrepreneur for over twenty-five years and during that time he has worked with some of the most successful leaders in business. By analyzing the most common decisions he has made to be a successful entrepreneur, and then cross referencing his analysis with that of those great leaders, Stuart Knight has distilled five of the most important decisions people have to make if they expect to win in business.  

Awards & Publications

Books published

Stuart is a national best selling author of two books, You Should Have Asked - The Art of Powerful Conversation and The Madness of My Mind.

Awards Received

Stuart has been awarded a national award for community leadership in entrepreneurism.

3 Reasons to Book Stuart for Your Event

1. High Energy

2. Hilarious

3. Interactive

Worked With:

3 Ways to Book Stuart

Ready to Put on an Epic In-Person or Virtual Event? 

1. Send a Message

Respond to the video pop-up on the site and share your name, email and a brief overview about your event.

2. Fill out a form

Fill out the requested details on the form here, giving the Journey team everything they need to know about your event.

3. Shoot a Text

Text "Journey Speakers" to (813) 706-5920 and the Journey team will help you take next steps.  

Stuart was awesome. He was
                    of our conference and one of our                keynote speakers to date.


Stuart was awesome. He was                    of
our conference and one of our               
keynote speakers
to date.

a highlight


What a valuable "relevant-to-everybody" speaker. The tips and tools he shared made an immediate impact on all those in attendance and many people shared just how much their conversations improved because of Stuart’s session.

a highlight

Stuart's presentations are a combination of entertainment, education, inspiration              

Stuart's presentations are a combination of entertainment, education, inspiration              

He provides a unique environment for individuals to maximize their inter-connections thus promoting ideas and alliances, while generating real momentum within the group.

and fun.

Stuart Knight has an
                 ability to help audiences see the power of
                 human connection.

Stuart Knight has an
               ability to help audiences see the power of                 human connection.





He is so engaging and real, and his impact can be transforming. Thank you Stuart for holding a mirror to ourselves and inspiring us in all aspects of our lives!

Journey to Paid Speaking Gigs Podcast

“It doesn’t matter what is going on in the world and the changes that are happening in the speaking industry, you’ve got to stay true to what value you give.” - Stuart Knight

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