Vince Poscente

Olympic Gold Medalist  •  New York Times Best selling Author  •  Growth Accelerator

I help people do what the competition is not willing to do.

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Watch the videos below FOR A PREVIEW OF WHAT Vince CAN DELIVER for your audience

Vince Poscente

Travels from: Dallas, TX

Languages: English

Speaking Fees: STARTING AT $20,000


Vince Poscente is an Olympic Gold Medal Skier, and the founder and CEO of the Goal Acceleration Institute.

His captivating combination of high energy and humor combine for an unforgettable opening or closing corporate keynote.

His against-all odds Olympic strategy is a powerful way to have your team reach BIG GOALS in less time. Vince is a business guy who decided he would compete in the Olympics four years after his 26th birthday. At the age of 30, Poscente was vying for Gold, blasting down the mountain at an incredible 135 mph on skis.

With his acumen for speedy goals, he soon became an in-demand speaker, author, and consultant, guiding corporations toward accelerated personal and organizational objectives.

While others in your industry may tend to hang-on, Poscente illustrates how each team member can sustain a competitive advantage. Through powerful examples and edge of your seat stories, your audience will be energized and ready to tackle the tough challenges ahead of them.

“Sophisticated audiences want more than ‘simple motivation.’ My job is to illuminate a direct path for GOALS-FAST in an entertaining way.”

• Weekend skier to Olympian in four years
• Meetings & Conventions - Planners’ Favorite Speaker 2014
• Weekly columnist since 2005 – The 70 Second eBrief
• #1 Wall Street Journal, USA Today and NY Times bestseller
• Masters in Organizational Management
• Leadership on four Himalayan expeditions

This is the perfect time for you and your company to speed past your competition towards extraordinary goals. Vince Poscente will help you accelerate towards BIG GOALS in Short Order.

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Full Speed Ahead for Sales 

FULL SPEED AHEAD is a powerful sales or leadership keynote that uses Vince's "recreational skier to Olympics in four years story" to deliver the edge-of-your-seat inspiration and revenue-boosting tools to accelerate bottom-line growth.

"The standing ovation spoke for itself. Vince, thank you for setting us on a winning course for the rest of the year." Vince delivers wildly entertaining stories, thought-provoking tactics, and practical focus tools for leaders and salespeople to thrive in a competitive landscape. Vince knows about speed and focus. He skied at 135 mph down a mountain.

He shares a remarkable formula regarding:
  • Clarity of Purpose - Start with the emotional buzz that your product or service delivers.
  • Commitment is a Process - Leadership for the self is a living example of stepping into uncertainty.
  • Consistency in a Demanding Environment - Do what the competition is not willing to do.
  • Confidence is Key - Confident salespeople and leaders outperform competitors.
  • Control Routines - Optimize outcomes by setting yourself up to win.

"The beauty of his message and his story impressed me more for its down-to-earth quality than any I have heard in many years. His approach was really a breath of fresh air."

Impact and Influence for Leaders

This message has practical takeaways and instant motivation to get your team and their activities back on track. It has been delivered around the world for audiences wanting a high-energy, humorous, and inspiring message to break free from the limitations of chaos and 'stuckness.'

It revolves around the three key elements of The Solution Loop:
  • Collaboration is a function of internal and external alignment. It is triggered by looking outside yourself from a different viewpoint.
  • Curiosity towards limitless possibilities of what a new reality looks like.
  • Creativity to narrow in on the best options that work best for those involved.

Companies have used The Solution Loop in From Setback to Breakthrough for remote and in-person events. From Setback to Breakthrough helps employees feel part of a great organization dedicated to course correction and renewed momentum. The Solution Loop is a methodology taken from Vince's most recent book,
The Earthquake - Your Journey from Setback to Breakthrough.

Accelerate Franchise Growth

In the franchise world, the Winner’s Mindset points to one thing: Do what the competition is not willing to do. How? Imagine these franchisee takeaways:
  • Align with the entire company rather than a “wait and see” approach.
  • Embrace rapid change with Agility rather than resistance.
  • Adapt by owning 100% of every solution - as a team.

For 25 years, Olympian and NY Times bestselling author, Vince Poscente has been helping franchises accelerate growth with ALIGNMENT, AGILITY, and ADAPTABILITY. The franchise world has experienced more technological change and generation disruption than many industries. It is time to stop the overwhelm and have everyone adopt the Winner’s Mindset.

Vince’s keynotes have the following Advantages:
  • Alignment with the company system.
  • Leverage franchise tools, processes and brand messaging.
  • Use the Emotional Quotient to align the culture.
  • Agility in your local market. Do what the competition is not willing to do.
  • Target local market advantages.
  • Adaptability for optimum franchisee output.
  • Utilize the knowledge from your event.
  • Put conference ideas into action.

Vince takes the Winner’s Mindset from his Olympian background and couples it with over two decades of research on peak performance in the franchise world. When you experience his electrifying energy and fun-loving style, you will know why he is one of the youngest inductees in the Speaker Hall of Fame with the likes of Ronald Reagan, Zig Ziglar and Og Mandino. While he provides hands-on, goal attaining tools that are immediately useful for franchisees, his edge-of-seat motivating stories are complete with 135 mph ski videos and heart-pumping music! Vince delivers take-action-today inspiration that put him on the Who’s Who of Franchise Growth experts.

Awards & Publications

Books published

Vince is a New York Times bestselling author of 9 books, including The Ant and the Elephant, The Earthquake, and The Age of Speed.

Awards Received

Vince has been named to the Speaker Halls of Fame in Canada and USA

3 Reasons to Book Vince for Your Event

1. High energy keynote



Worked With:

3 Ways to Book Vince

Ready to Put on an Epic In-Person or Virtual Event? 

1. Send a Message

Respond to the video pop-up on the site and share your name, email and a brief overview about your event.

2. Fill out a form

Fill out the requested details on the form here, giving the Journey team everything they need to know about your event.

3. Shoot a Text

Text "Journey Speakers" to (813) 706-5920 and the Journey team will help you take next steps.  

Having hired Vince many times over, how does one describe a 'Vince Poscente moment?'  You don't. You just have to                   it.

Having hired Vince many times over, how does one describe a 'Vince Poscente moment?' You don't. You just have to



Vince is THE highlight of any convention. Hire him to speak - he'll not only make you look good for finding him, he'll knock the socks off your attendees and make you the hero of your own event! 

The audience feedback we received concerning Vince’s presentation was                  

The audience feedback we received concerning Vince’s presentation


They were both inspired and entertained, and will remember his message for a long time to come. 


I really enjoyed
                      of Vince Poscente’s speech.

I really enjoyed
                     of Vince Poscente’s speech.

If there’s only one thing I will take away it is that line, “Be willing to do what your competition is not willing to do!”

every minute

Journey to Paid Speaking Gigs Podcast

“A good idea won’t go away, so pursue that. I learned the lesson: if you don’t engage, you’re going to have regrets.” - Vince Poscente

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